What are you LIVING FOR?

Philippians 1:19-26

Buddha ways of Living Quotes:“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.

The answer to that question will determine the direction of your life. If your purpose is wrong, your direction will be wrong. If your purpose is vague or fuzzy, your direction will be fuzzy. If you don’t know your purpose, you’ll just be swept along by the currents of our age, doing what seems to bring you happiness. It is crucial that you be clear and correct in answering the question, “What are you living for?” After 30 years of dwelling on earth I found my passion, which is Holistic Health. I know many will not follow, but there are benefits which lead you to bettering yourself and others around you. Living  a  holistic lifestyle is a lot healthier than most styles of living. It basically means you’re choosing to live your life and heal your body through natural remedies. Many individuals will visit Doctors and they are diagnosed and given a prescription, but most diseases and ailments are curable by change of diet, environment, and exercise. This year and years to come ask yourself….”What are you Living For?

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